Be DŌP , Because You Are! Dope On Purpose

DŌP on Purpose

Elevate Your DŌP Life

What’s That Smell?

Why do flowers start to stink?

I Love fresh flowers. Having something of beauty in my space makes me smile. So,  I regularly buy fresh roses and display them in a pretty vase. When taken care of, these botanicals can last up to a couple weeks.

I had a dream.  Like literally, I had a dream about these flowers.  In the dream, the roses had started to wilt a bit.  Next, the task of changing the water commenced.  Old water out, cleaned glass, and fresh H2O in.

As the newly cut stems entered the vase, the water was depleted and the flowers sprang back to life instantly. Transition to real life.

My very real roses needed fresh water because, by most standards, they had about another 3 – 5 days left to make me smile. The process of changing the water started but this time it did not regenerate their vitality. AND the next day the water was murky again.

It was time. Time to take these dry and brittle stems, petals, and leaves and retire them to the receptacle. (Put them in the gah-baaj) The “deader” roses become the more pungent their fragrance.  And like Outkast said in the 2004 release of “Roses” “roses really smell like poo-poo ooh ooh.”  Sending these flowers to their final resting place, I thought I should have just let them die before.

In the moment, I had the notion I could revive them. With a little effort and TLC they would bring me a few more smiles. Knowing very well, cut flowers are very temporary.


“for something to take root, we must start with something that has that ability”

There are some relationships and situations we should let go. But we are out here playing paramedic in the back of an ambulance trying to breathe life back into something that has flatlined long ago. No amount of use of the AED will shock a very dead situation enough to resuscitate it.

What is gone is already gone! The longer we hold on to that which is deceased, the more it will stink. It’s time to call it. Today. We can say the date and time and pronounce dead the things we need to release.

We don’t keep trash in our house hoping the spoiled food will somehow turn good. If we did, the longer the refuse sits in our living space the stinkier it would get.

 The aroma would waft into other areas of our home. The stench would permeate our clothing and our signature scent of eau de garbaaj would potentially repel most.

If we are looking for something to take root, we must start with something that has that ability or shows that potential. We must also have the ability, tools, and patience to cultivate.

That’s the magic combination.

If we want a successful business, we must have a viable plan and offering AND be willing to put in the required work. 


If we want to be a superstar athlete, we must have some talent AND be willing to show up and practice not just suit up at game time.

Great relationships, romantic or otherwise require two willing participants AND the required time and effort to work through any gaps.

Becoming a better YOU, requires a willingness to take a self-inventory AND a willingness to do something different.

Release the old things that have died and renew your focus on the things bring you life!
rose, vase, dead-3656270.jpg

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